Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Honey Boo boo... why?

TLC also known as "the learning channel" has gone down hill when it comes to its shows. One show that really bugs me is a show called, "Honey-Boo boo". This program ruins other countries opinions of americans, and pretty much tells them we are all overweight rednecks that roll around in the mud all day.
click this if you don't know who honey boo boo is

It just bugs me so much that TLC would let something like THIS on the television. This just makes me ashamed to even watch TLC any more, I actually stopped going to that channel all together because of this "show".

Yet some others find it funny to watch this family wallow in the mud all day and make themselves look bad on public TV.  Does this show honestly bug anyone else? or is it just me?

1 comment:

  1. It bothers me too. People like that give our country a bad reputation. Those type of behaviors should not be supported in any way. While some, lower intelligent, people might find this entertaining, it helps no none and it just sets a bad example to future generations.
